As part of Phase I of our reopening plan, the RWC has opened parts of the RWC Park, Lake Claire, and the Tennis courts as well as contactless outdoor gear rental. In addition to these openings we will continue to offer our RWC+ virtual program offerings. For more information please visit our RWC Reopening and FAQ COVID-19 page. The main RWC building and other facilities will remain closed during UCF’s period of remote instruction, and we look forward to reopening at a later time with additional safety measures in place. Armor Up Knights!
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Tweets by RWC
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The UCF Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) offers UCF students opportunities to foster healthy lifestyle choices and wellness through efficient services, comprehensive programs and high-quality facilities. Memberships are also available for non-students. Please visit our list of programs and facilities to learn more about how you can get involved!
For students with disabilities: if you are in need of special accommodations to participate, please visit the Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation page for more information.
RWC+ helps Knights stay active from anywhere. It includes online workout resources, tips, live streams and much more! Stay connected and active when you are away from UCF.
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The aquatics program features our Leisure Pool and Lap Pool and offers swim lessons, lifeguard certifications and a variety of aquatics programming.
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Intramural Sports offers the opportunity to participate in a variety of team, dual, and individual sports.
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The RWC partners with SGA to extend our services to students on the Regional Campuses.
The RWC offers Athletic Training services, First Aid and CPR Classes, and other helpful tools to keep you safe.
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Donate to the RWC Giving Fund